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Wednesday, April 19th from 8-10pm Pacific, online

$33 Exchange or $55 to join BOTH Solar and Lunar Eclipse ceremonies! ($11 discount)

Lunar Eclipse Ceremony: May 5th, 2023, 9:30-11:30am PST

Dear One,

We find ourselves at the threshold of yet another potent cycle of transformation. Next week, the beginning of Eclipse Season activates, and I would love to help you harness the powerful energy it brings through heart-opening ceremony.

Please join me in Cacao Ceremony in honor of the Total Solar Eclipse, where we gather our hearts together in sacred space to open ourselves to receive higher guidance, to release what no longer serves, and set intentions for a brand new cycle moving forward.

Work with the complete Eclipse season with intention by joining BOTH ceremonies I’m sharing for the Solar and Lunar Eclipses. We will work with the energy of these portals in the height of the Eclipse timing, so the times of the ceremonies are planned according to this.

Eclipse cycles come around every 6 months to help us make necessary leaps forward in our lives. Things can get shaken up in unexpected ways during an Eclipse portal to help you break free of what is limiting your growth. It’s a powerful opportunity to invite change, to release, and to embrace the unknown.

The world needs your Love. To give Love to others from the highest place, you must start with a foundation of Self-Love. Let yourself receive the gift of expanding the Love within you through the guidance and support of Cacao in ceremony.

Cacao Spirit guides the way into the heart helping us to clear and heal what blocks our access to the fullness of Love within, and to extend this Love out to the world.

In ceremony, we create an expansive field of healing energy that becomes healing energy for the world. These ceremonies are deeply powerful healing experiences held in a gentle, loving container of divine support. Together we will work with the Eclipse energy in the best possible way, bringing healing and strength to our journeys, and sending these blessings into the world.

If you have Cacao you are ready for ceremony! Otherwise, you can purchase Beloved Cacao from my Sacred Shop online. While you’re there, pick up some Copal incense as well to deepen your ceremonial experience!

If you don't have Cacao to drink, you can still join! You can drink a special tea or other (non-alcoholic) elixir instead. The energy of ceremony is powerful and you will still receive the heart-opening energy and guidance of Cacao Spirit in this container!

What you’ll receive from this ceremony: 

  • Guidance for how to best prepare for the ceremony beforehand

  • Channeled and astrological insights about the significance of the Eclipse

  • A sacred container focused on maximizing the transformative energy of the Eclipse for your highest good

  • A guided journey to work with the Eclipse energy in an aligned way

  • Understanding how Sacred Cacao enhances these cosmic portals for expansive healing

  • Heartfelt community connection in a safe, protected container

  • Opportunity for journaling and personal sharing with the group if desired

  • Integration guidance for post-ceremony

  • Divine transmissions and healing energy to support your path

  • A recording of the ceremony that lasts for 15 days


Registration payment options: $33 Exchange or $55 to join BOTH Solar and Lunar Eclipse ceremonies! ($11 discount)

Solar Eclipse Ceremony: April 19th, 2023, 8-10pm PST

Lunar Eclipse Ceremony: May 5th, 2023, 9:30-11:30am PST

Participants will receive guidance for preparing for ceremony, how to integrate afterwards, and a recording of the ceremony that expires after 30 days.

* If you are unable to make the scheduled time, please register anyway, and you will have access to the REPLAY for the next 30 days after the live call so you can participate and receive the healing energy of the ceremony at a time that works for you.

* The ceremony will be recorded, so if you prefer to not be visible to others on the recording you can join anonymously. You can join with your video turned off, and you have the option of renaming yourself once you've entered the meeting. No one will be required to speak unless you are called to share.

Please share this invitation with your loved ones! All participants are required to register to uphold the integrity of our sacred container.

It's a gift to be able to join together in ceremony, and I hope to see you there.

May this Eclipse season bless you with everything you need to expand into the highest expression of Love. 

All my Love,

Earlier Event: March 20
Later Event: May 5