You will find Ceremonial Cacao for purchase in my Sacred Shop! Click here to purchase Beloved Cacao, my favorite Cacao to work with daily.
I have personally worked with Ceremonial Cacao daily since 2014. There are subtle differences amongst different varieties of Cacao, and so much factors into what your experience will be with this heart-opening medicine. Where it’s grown, how it’s grown, how it’s processed, how it’s handled, and how it’s transported are examples of the many ways the subtle energy of Cacao can be impacted. One variety of Cacao can be a very different taste and experience to the next.
I only offer Cacao to others that I have personally worked with and can attest to the quality and vibration. I have worked with what I have formally named as Beloved Cacao in great depth over many years. Its energy is gentle and pure, it is sun-dried in small batches, and is ethically and responsibly grown, harvested and processed in Ecuador. I’ve packaged it in 100% compostable blessed-up pouches.
Sourcing Cacao that is ethically produced, fair-trade, truly organic and pure is hard to come by. Beloved Cacao exceeds the standards necessary for a truly vibrant product made with Love.
The energy of every bag of Beloved Cacao is radiant with the pure vibrations of LOVE. Love for the planet, Love for the creation, Love for the medicine, Love for the recipient.
Cacao is deeply sacred and is known as the Food of the Gods. In her pure form, she is nutrient-dense, bliss-inducing, heart-healing, and helps you to access the infinite expanse of Love that dwells with you.
May you let your heart shine with the gift of Beloved Cacao!
Thank you for purchasing this heart-opening medicine and for sharing the love of Beloved Cacao with others!