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Dear Loves,

I invite you to join me with a warm cup of Beloved Cacao in online ceremony in honor of Spring Equinox. It is always a blessing to gather together remotely and create sacred space at a time when we need to anchor the energy of peace and love more than ever. It’s so beautiful to see people gather from all over the world to join for these ceremonies!

We have the support of the cosmos with us in these transformational times, and by aligning ourselves with these cycles in ceremony we integrate the continuous shifts, we embrace our truth, and we receive higher guidance for our journeys.

Sacred Cacao will help facilitate this ceremony, inviting each of us to connect with our hearts to the peace and love within. If you already have Ceremonial Cacao you are set, otherwise you can purchase cacao in my Sacred Shop (be sure to order no later than 3/15 to have it in time for the ceremony).


Spring Equinox is a Holy Day, a time of balance that marks equal day and night all across the world. While the Northern Hemisphere experiences Spring Equinox, the Southern Hemisphere experiences Fall Equinox. We are all at the balancing point of this sacred portal, which releases the season from before and welcomes the new season beginning. 

The Spring Equinox is initiated by the Sun moving into the sign of Aries, the beginning of the zodiac. This is a potent time of new beginnings with fiery Aries blazing forward with determination, confidence, and courage.

In many ways it feels like the true start of the new year when the astrological cycle starts anew with the Aries Equinox. This becomes a very powerfully rich time to release the stagnation and slowness of Winter, and plant charged-up seeds brimming with potential at the start of the Spring season. 

In ceremony, we align with the energy of the Equinox and attune with the balance, harmony, and peace that it brings. We open our hearts to receive the healing, blessings and empowerment that come with this energy. 

Together we will work with the Equinox energy in the best possible way, bringing healing and strength to our journeys, and sending these blessings into the world.


Registration payment options: $13 or $30

Thank you for helping to support this sacred work.

Participants will receive guidance for preparing for ceremony, how to integrate afterwards, and a recording of the ceremony that expires after 30 days.

* If you are unable to make the scheduled time, please register anyway, and you will have access to the REPLAY for the next 30 days after the live call so you can participate and receive the healing energy of the ceremony at a time that works for you.

* The ceremony will be recorded, so if you prefer to not be visible to others on the recording you can join anonymously. You can join with your video turned off, and you have the option of renaming yourself once you've entered the meeting.
Please share this invitation with your loved ones!

Let us join together to strengthen and support the ever-expanding journey of our hearts in this loving container. Let the power of this ceremony radiate healing love throughout the world. Let the love created in this ceremony be a blessing for All That Is.

It's a gift to be able to join together in ceremony, and I hope to see you there.

With love,


*About Cacao Medicine:  Sacred Cacao is a subtle plant medicine that can help bring healing, compassion, and truth to one’s life. Cacao teaches us how to love ourselves more, helping us to love those in our lives more, and bring more love into the world. Sacred Cacao lovingly facilitates this time of inner focus and reflection, opening our hearts to recognize all of the gifts from the previous cycle and all that needs to be released moving forward. Cacao Spirit will gently guide us deep into the heart space, illuminating the truth of our hearts. It is a safe, intimate experience filled with bliss, presence, and connection. Learn more about my work with Cacao.

Earlier Event: December 21