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  • Joshua Tree United States (map)




Dear Loves,

Please join me in Cacao Ceremony for an in-person gathering outside on my sacred land in Joshua Tree at sunset in honor of Summer Solstice.

Summer Solstice is deeply meaningful to me, and I share my reverence for this day and the desert land I've lived on for over a decade that has served as a foundation for my own healing as well as countless others who have spent time with me here by offering this in person ceremony. This is an intimate invitation to connect on a deeper level with the sacred for your own healing and expansion.

* It’s likely this will be the last ceremony I’ll be offering for the next couple of months, so I hope you can make it if you’re called to join!


Summer Solstice is a sacred seasonal passage and holy day that honors the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere (while the Southern Hemisphere honors Winter Solstice). On Summer Solstice, the radiance of the Sun shines brightest and strongest, when energy peaks and the celebration of the light expands our hearts open to receive the blessings of the cosmos for the coming season.

The desert is a place where the Sun reigns on a daily basis, and sitting in ceremony on desert land under the open sky will attune us to the radiant blessings of Solstice. The energy of the radiant Solstice Sun will magnify our heart’s desires and potential. We will make offerings to the land and receive the gifts of the Solstice Sun and the heart-opening medicine of Cacao.

In ceremony, we we gather our hearts together in sacred circle to open ourselves to receive higher guidance, to release what no longer serves, and set intentions for the new season ahead. Together we create an expansive field of healing energy that becomes a blessing for the world. These powerful ceremonies are deeply healing experiences held in a gentle, loving container of divine support.

Cacao Spirit guides the way into the heart, helping us to access the Love within, to receive the Love we carry and to extend it out to the world.


  • I will be serving you Ceremonial Cacao to drink.

  • We will be seated on the earth outside at sunset under the open sky until after dark. Ground mats and basic pillows will be provided.

  • We will be embracing the elements. Come with anything you might want for your physical comfort (hat, layers, extra blankets and pillows, etc).

  • We will be gathering on my land, a private sanctuary that is in a remote part of Joshua Tree that involves driving down dirt roads. Please arrive quietly and follow the directions I provide to ensure you do not get lost or stuck on bad sandy roads. GPS is not reliable.

  • You will be in an intimate sacred circle, where you will be safe to surrender to your heart-opening journey held in a protected container.

  • There will be an optional potluck for you to join afterwards. I encourage this, as it is an aspect of closure of the ceremony. Please bring a plant-based dish to share if you’d like to stay.


All participants are required to register. This serves to uphold the energetic integrity of our sacred container. 

In addition to the in-person ceremony, participants will receive guidance for preparing for ceremony and how to integrate afterwards.

There are no refunds once you've registered.

Thank you for helping to support this sacred work.

In ceremony, we gather our hearts together in sacred circle to open ourselves to receive higher guidance, to release what no longer serves, and set intentions for the new season ahead. Together we create an expansive field of healing energy that becomes a blessing for the world. These ceremonies are deeply powerful healing experiences held in a gentle, loving container of divine support.

Cacao Spirit guides the way into the heart, helping us to access the the Love within and to extend it out to the world.

It would be my honor to be joined by you in sacred space on my sacred land. I hope you will join me in celebration of this holy day.

With Love,

*About Cacao Medicine: Sacred Cacao is a subtle plant medicine that can help bring healing, compassion, and truth to one’s life. Cacao teaches us how to love ourselves more, helping us to love those in our lives more, and bring more love into the world. Sacred Cacao lovingly facilitates this time of inner focus and reflection, opening our hearts to recognize all of the gifts from the previous cycle and all that needs to be released moving forward. Cacao Spirit will gently guide us deep into the heart space, illuminating the truth of our hearts. It is a safe, intimate experience filled with bliss, presence, and connection. Learn more about my work with Cacao.

Earlier Event: June 16
Later Event: September 15