Dangerous Thoughts + The Scorpio Full Moon


Early this morning we welcomed the Full Moon in Scorpio, a time of illuminating what hides in the shadows that wants to be seen. Scorpio is the shadow. The energy of this Full Moon asks us to recognize that which we might not feel comfortable looking at within ourselves. It’s a divinely aligned activation for these changing times, and for the rising energy of Venus’ Retrograde and my upcoming group immersion Descent Into Truth: A 40-Day Journey of Transformation Guided By Venus, where we commit to a 40+ day practice as a sacred structure for welcoming transformation by descending into the shadows.

When we look in the shadows, we are given the opportunity to discover hidden truths disguised as unacceptable aspects of ourselves that we judge and discard. The shadow is a doorway to your truth. Once you open the door into darkness and allow yourself to look- rather than denying or distracting away the discomfort- there lies within you the great treasure ready to be discovered. Allowing this discomfort is the great challenge, and what we so often avoid.

Being present with your thoughts, your feelings, and your body is how to recognize what makes you uncomfortable. Simply sitting still in silence can activate fear for so many of us, afraid of what the mind will present without any external distractions to disrupt it.

I remember over 20 years ago of being absolutely terrified of silence. I was addicted to watching TV, and would fall asleep with the TV on every single night from my youth well into my mid-20s. Music was always playing at home and while driving in my car. I even recall from my college days how parking in the far away lots from my classes was terrifying to me not because of my physical safety or how long it would take me to walk to my class, but specifically because of the length of time I’d have to walk alone with my thoughts. My thoughts felt like the true danger. I did not want to hear them.

The noise surrounding me ultimately became so deafening not only did I not hear my thoughts, I did not know who I was. My move from the city to the desert 9 years ago was a declaration to myself and to the universe that I was ready to be still, to listen, to know my truth. I was ready to surrender to my transformation and began exploring the discomfort of meditation. 

Scorpio is the cycle of death and rebirth. Its energy is alchemical, complex, and rich with hidden treasures. Scorpio is known for its intensity, as it holds all of that which we’d rather not speak of or acknowledge that holds tremendous power. It is the place where transformation takes places in the dark embryonic waters within.

The Scorpio Full Moon is known as the Buddha Full Moon, marking the Buddha’s birth, his enlightenment, and his death. It is honored as Buddha Jayanti, a celebration of his transformation. That this enlightened master experienced the wholeness of human incarnation aligned with the Scorpio Full Moon strikingly illuminates the power and necessity of looking into the darkness for truth, for peace, for divinity.

If reading this gives you an edge of discomfort, take note of that. If daily mediation or yoga has eluded you yet you’re drawn to it, you can approach it in a way that is gentle yet effective. Even just 5 minutes every day of sitting in stillness or 10 minutes of being present with your body through practicing yoga is enough to make a shift within you. It’s enough to create a challenge that can open the doorway to your transformation.

Perhaps meditation and/or yoga creates the space for your own transformation during Venus Retrograde. Or, perhaps there’s another path all together that best serves your expansion.

40 days of meditation and/or yoga is just one of several approaches I offer for inviting change in your life. Join me in my upcoming group journey Descent Into Truth starting May 13th to dive into the depths of your shadows through committed daily practice in a supported ceremonial container, and re-emerge with newfound strength, clarity, and power. I hope you’ll join me! We meet for 7 Wednesdays 11am-12:30pm Pacific on Zoom (or you can watch later). Registration closes May 8th.

* If you are experiencing financial challenges during this time and are called to participate, please reach out to me and express your interest in joining and we can find a way to make it work for you.

Descent Into Truth is an offering birthed from my heart, a true expression of my authentic path and a journey I was prepared to do privately on my own with the coming Venus Retrograde. My guidance strongly showed me the great opportunity available to many people with this transit, and that it was my service to create the container to help others make the most of this extraordinary, important cosmic cycle to support our individual transformation that is greatly needed on the planet now.

Please share this invitation with anyone who may resonate with it. After reading through the full info on my website, please reach out with any questions that arise. 

I hope you will join me in exploring this rich journey where we come together to Descend into Truth, so that we may powerfully Ascend with Divine Light. I can't wait. :)

Blessings to you on this powerfully transformative Full Moon.

I love you,