I Invite You To Surrender ~ A Practice In Letting Go


Happy March (my birthday month!) and soon-to-be-Spring blessings to you!

I was guided today to share a powerful tool for working with the challenging energies of these recent weeks. We are in the midst (and nearly at the end) of Mercury Retrograde, which has been moving through the sign of Pisces. This is an incredibly challenging dynamic of energies- Mercury Retrograde always serves to slow us down, be mindful, and re-examine all of our communications, and in the sign of Pisces this becomes all the more amplified.

Mercury is the planet that rules mental activity and processing, and Pisces is an etheric sign of full-on feeling that cannot be defined or contained. Mercury communicates from the mind, Pisces is guided by the heart. These two don’t function well together, as a result making this particular Mercury Retrograde more foggy and confusing to navigate than usual.

Mental-Mercury is defined by structure, Feeling-Pisces embraces surrender.

Slowing down in our time driven must-get-it-all-done-yesterday lives can feel impossible. If that resonates for you, know that impossibility is Pisces energy, and with the support of this Mercury Retrograde you are invited to explore the impossible, the inconceivable.

I invite you to work with the medicine of this energy and welcome the teachings it has for you by inviting in surrender, and welcoming the discomfort that comes with that. These cosmic cycles occur for great reason, and when we understand what’s being asked of us, we set ourselves up to receive great teachings and awakenings that help us on our paths.


Take some time today to be out of time. Give yourself the assignment to let go of time, and be in full presence with yourself or with your loved ones.

Make an agreement with yourself that you will take a long break from checking your phone, watch, device, or any indicator of time. You can have dedicated timelessness in your home by putting your phone away, and unplugging or covering any clocks in your space. Make this a powerful ritual with a friend/ loved ones/ your family by all agreeing to share space together outside the boundary of time. 

  • Explore waking up without an alarm or looking at the clock right away, and trust you are waking in perfect divine time.

  • Take a walk outside or go into nature without any indicators of time with you. Let your heart guide you and let you know when you are complete.

  • Sit in meditation without a clock or timer, and surrender to your inner realm and where it takes you.

  • Plan for an intimate, rich time of connection with others completely free of devices. 

  • Embrace creativity and let your spirit explore creative expression through visual art, music, or writing with no time constraints.

  • At night, go to bed when you feel tired, rather than looking at the clock to determine bed time. Enter the sleep state without ever knowing what time it is. Refrain from looking at a clock if you wake up during the night. Does it really matter what time it is?

Notice what comes up for you in this process. It might prove to be incredibly uncomfortable after even a few minutes of timelessness. It’s so important to be with that discomfort and pay attention to where your mind takes you.

If you feel this is impossible for you to implement, take that as an invitation to inquire within. If it’s impossible for you to make space for no time, look at that as a potent message for you to sit with.

If your mind tells you that you can’t make time for no time, ask yourself, is that really true?

Mercury will be Retrograde through March 9th, so make a point of exploring this invitation at least once before it’s over. Perhaps you can make it a daily practice of being without time and surrendering to the present moment through the 9th (perhaps even beyond!).

Perhaps you will discover a new way of being through this practice. Perhaps you will discover power within your ability to surrender to that which is unknown. Perhaps you will find yourself in the limitless expanse of divine love and share this gift with the world.

May this practice take you outside of the bounds of time and awaken you to your highest truth.

*** I'd love to hear about your experience of no-time! Please feel free to share how this impacted your days by connecting with me, and please share this post with anyone you feel would benefit from this timeless practice!


I am here to help you awaken to your light, your truth, your divinity. May these loving words bring you exactly what you need today. I welcome your replies and always love hearing how my words resonate with you.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for your love and support, and for taking a moment to read my words during this most exciting and activating time of transformation on our beautiful planet. Yes, it's intense. Yes, it's uncharted territory. Yes, so much is coming up individually and collectively. But remember, it's truly a gift to be here at this time.

Blessings to a most harmonious time of change in your life. May you awaken to the truth of your heart and shine your radiant light upon everyone and everything.

May every word of this letter bless you with love, peace, and joy.

And so it is. Blessed Be. Jai Ma.

Breathing in love, exhaling in gratitude,


Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
~May all beings in the world be happy and free~