Open The Door Of Your Heart


My heart wells with gratitude as I write, for the gift of connection. We are blessed with so many ways to be connected with one another, and in this present moment of making use of the vehicle of email communication, I am grateful for the opportunity to write and express my heart to you.

Thank you for being here. I deeply value your time and energy, and it is a blessing for me to receive your presence now. The ability to connect with you in this way is not something I take for granted, and it is always my intention to make the most of these precious moments of your time and that every word I write is full of loving energy for you.

Each moment we share with another is an opportunity for heartfelt connection. It can be through writing, through sharing photos, through physical time spent together, through chance encounters with someone, through deep conversations and even in sacred silence, so much is possible when we meet another from the place of an open heart.


Loving connection is the ability to be present with another. When we open the door of our hearts, we invite in true connection. In open-hearted states, we allow vulnerability, we soften in the presence of another. In best case dynamics, we are safe, we are held, we are heard. In these authentic, heart open spaces, incredible healing is possible through the embodiment of True Love.

It is always my heart’s desire to connect intimately with others in all circumstances. I always intend my time with others to be of total presence and connection from the heart whether this is intentional time with clients or loved ones or simply people who appear on my daily path out in the world. This is soul-level nourishment and it can be powerfully experienced in just seconds of an exchange with another.

I invite you to take time every day to connect with someone with an open heart. At the very least, this can be seeking the eyes of a stranger and smiling with a heart full of compassion. Especially during the holidays, feelings of isolation can be so strong for many people. The smallest of gestures are often times the most magnificent in the transformative power they hold. More than ever, the strengthening of our human connections is essential, to remember that we are never alone.

And there are infinite ways to strengthen our connections with others…

There is the gift of connecting with another through heart-open communication.

There is the joy of sharing food with another. 

There is the power of being with another in stillness, in silence, in sacred space. 

There is the magic of creating music, art, and play with another. 

There is the incomparable experience of the physical embrace.

Each moment is full of potential to embody Love. Let go of resistances and stories, and give yourself permission to be Love in this moment right now.

Open the door of your heart, and experience the realization of embodied Divine Love.


These remaining days of 2019 swiftly slip by, and we close out an entire decade in just a few weeks. The holidays are emotionally complex for most of us, and with all of the external demands we can easily forget ourselves and what’s most important in the midst of it all: Presence + Peace.

The strongest way we show up as loving presences for the people in our lives, is by showing up for ourselves first and foremost, every single day. 

The way we bring more Love into our lives, is by loving ourselves first, fully and completely.

Take care of yourself, rest deeply, eat healthfully and joyfully, adorn yourself beautifully, surround yourself with loving people, touch the earth, light candles, inhale fresh flowers, and listen to your body song.

If you need some extra words of love at this time, reply to me and reach out. I’m always here to remind you of the Love you are. If you need deeper support and/or guidance around Self-Love or embodying love in your daily life, I am always here in service to you and would be honored to work with you one-on-one (see below for details + discount!).

As always, I am here for your questions or reflections, I would love to hear from you! May you breathe yourself into Presence + Peace in every moment of this highly energized season. :)


This time of year we easily get swept up in the accelerated pace of the holidays, and to inspire you to remember yourself and to close out the year in your strongest possible state, I am offering a 20% discount on all of my one-on-one sessions (bundles included) through December 11th, 2019 (sessions may be scheduled post-Dec. 11th). Sessions are available remotely or in-person in Joshua Tree, CA.

We are wrapping up some very significant cycles, and not only are we closing out a hugely transformative year in 2019, but an entire decade is coming to a close. I invite you to make the most of this opportunity for deep healing work, and starting the new year aligned with Clarity, with Truth, with embodied Self-Love.

***Use discount code DECEMBER20 through December 11th to receive 20% off of Womb Chakra HealingsOracle ReadingsSacred Nourishment Sessions, and Sacred Pregnancy Sessions.***

Prioritize your self-care and loving acts for yourself during this holiday season. Whether this is working with me or others or creating that space for yourself on your own, remember that you are the greatest gift to others when you value yourself as a gift to the world by taking the best possible care of you first and foremost.


In case you missed my email about Private Ceremonies, you might also consider honoring the season with a private Cacao Ceremony or a unique, custom ceremony created just for you. Sharing sacred space with your loved ones in heart-opening ceremony during this sacred time of year would be a powerful gift for you all to experience together.

* Please reply back to this email with your inquiries about how I may create a Private Ceremony for you! *


Saturday, December 21st, 2019
Joshua Tree, CA

Save the date for a powerful Winter Solstice Ceremony! In ceremony, we will be honoring of the darkest day of the year celebrating the birth of light. Please stay tuned for details!


I am here to help you awaken to your light, your truth, your divinity. May these loving words bring you exactly what you need today. I welcome your replies and always love hearing how my words resonate with you.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for your love and support, and for taking a moment to read my words during this most exciting and activating time of transformation on our beautiful planet. Yes, it's intense. Yes, it's uncharted territory. Yes, so much is coming up individually and collectively. But remember, it's truly a gift to be here at this time.

Blessings to a most harmonious time of change in your life. May you awaken to the truth of your heart and shine your radiant light upon everyone and everything.

May every word of this letter bless you with love, peace, and joy.

And so it is. Blessed Be. Jai Ma.

Breathing in love, exhaling in gratitude,


Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
~May all beings in the world be happy and free~