Snake Love Medicine ~ How Have You Transformed?


Yesterday afternoon I opened the door to a small dark shed right outside of my cabin and immediately discovered not only one, but two large rattlesnakes nestled inside. They were absolutely still, peaceful, and asleep, undisturbed by my silent presence. They were cozily wrapped up together, deep in their sleep state. It was a display of undeniable affection. Of snake love.

Once the initial feeling subdued of utter exhilaration that only a rattlesnake can evoke, I noticed myself feeling intrusive, as if I had exposed their hidden intimate experience, shining the light of the sun on what was privately in the dark. Their heads were close together, the larger of the two gently and sweetly resting his head on the body of the other. They read to me as male and female.

They did not stir as I stood above them. I received a lot in the witnessing of these two wild and dangerous creatures entwined together, surrendered into rest, and yet, in their vulnerability they held just as much power as they would were they awake and rattling away. I’ve had many rattlesnake experiences living in the desert, but these loving snakes were a new level of experience. I’ve never witnessed anything like this before.

I was feeling so many feelings as I observed them, and more than anything feeling gratitude. Gratitude to bear witness to such a sacred serpentine secret, gratitude for the message their spirits were bringing me. Silently, I thanked them for the gift of this experience as I closed the door and let them be.


The strongest message that snakes symbolize is transformation. I haven’t had a snake encounter all summer (when they are most present) and this appearance coming now felt like a doubly powerful dose of the message of transformation. And I welcomed it fully after was has been the most intense year of change and shedding.

This year has been incredibly important. 2019 has been a time of tremendous releasing, purging, and healing. It has been a time of ending massive karmic cycles. The ways in which it has played out for each of us are wildly different from one unique soul journey to the next. But the purpose behind it all is collectively the same:

To release what holds us back from embodying our true power. 

To invite in the transformation our souls are asking for so that we may embody our most authentic truth. 

To shed all limiting beliefs that blind us from our greatest potential. 

To align with the heart, and remember the Love within.

To let this Love be our guide moving forward.

There is undeniably so much happening within ourselves and all around us, and the acceleration of change leaves us with no ability to really process what has changed.

Sometimes we are so deep in our experiences that we lose the ability to have perspective or awareness of the bigger picture. Sometimes we can be so wrapped up in challenges, in pain, in overwhelm that we aren’t seeing the gifts of the experience. Sometimes we do the work to facilitate deep healing, but lose sight of what has shifted as a result that work. Sometimes we are in the doing state too much that we don’t make the space to pause and reflect and rest.

And in the resting state is where the reset really happens. This is where transformation is taking place on an energetic and cellular level. This is what the sleeping snakes showed me.

The practice of resting is self-love, this is what must be exercised and prioritized to fully awaken to the gifts of transformation.


I invite you to take some time to reflect on what’s different in your life from when 2019 began. Things are moving so rapidly, that it may be hard to keep up with what’s really happening. What is it that’s really changing? Take some time after you read this to ask yourself these questions, and write out your responses:

  • What healing work have I done this year, and what resulted from it?

  • What experiences this year have changed me?

  • Who has helped me to learn more about myself this year?

  • What have I let go of this year?

  • How am I different now from when 2019 first began?

May the time spent with these questions help you awaken to how you’ve transformed this year and all of the incredibly important work you’ve done for yourself.May you take time to honor and celebrate yourself for all you have moved through and all the ways in which you have expanded and grown. We are still deep in it, but taking this time to pause and reflect can be the encouragement you need right now to keep moving forward with strength and self-love.

I am here supporting you and honoring your transformational journey every step of the way.



I’ve created a daytime experience of rest, healing, and exploration of the heart as a way to help deepen the practice of self-love within an intimate group container. This day retreat is a vehicle for your transformation into your most authentic self. Please join me for a heart-opening day of self-love this November!

Sacred Self-Love: Cacao Day Retreat
Sunday, November 3rd, 2019, 11am-4pm
Bubbling Wells Ranch, Desert Hot Springs, CA

You are invited to surrender into the embrace of your own heart through the expansion of self-love. Sacred Self-Love is a daylight journey of opening your heart with Cacao Ceremony, Reiki Healing, Hot Springs, Self-Inquiry, Group Support, Mantra, and more.

This intimate daytime retreat will be held on a private desert mineral springs oasis. We will be incorporating the mineral hot springs and a cool mineral water lake as part of the experience. This land is truly special and holds a very sacred energy, full of wildlife, canopies of old-growth trees, and vibrating with love.

Find the full details and how to reserve your space on my website!


Sunday, October 27th at 6pm, I am sharing Cacao Ceremony in Joshua Tree. Please join me in ceremony and work with the heart-opening medicine of Sacred Cacao to access the truth of your heart. By opening your heart, you enable yourself to receive higher guidance, integrate the continuous shifts, and become focused and clear about new seeds to plant for this next cycle. You'll be supported by Cacao Medicine, supported by the New Moon, and supported by loving community in sacred circle in this heart healing journey.

*** If you are in the Joshua Tree area and would like to join, please email me to RSVP and receive the full details for the ceremony ***


If you need help remembering your truth and need support during these transformational times, I am here for you. Womb Chakra Healings help you to clear karma, trauma, and heartbreak and to embody your Divine power, Oracle Readings help you to come into clarity about your path, Sacred Nourishment Sessions help you to strengthen your self-care and spiritual practices, and Cacao Ceremony helps you to access the truth of your heart. Scroll below or visit my website for more info on my offerings.


I am calling in assistance to help expand my work in the world! I presently do all aspects of work and life on my own and very ready to invite in assistance from others! I have remote work trade and local work trade possibilities available. Remotely, work involving all things computer related is needed: Website, graphic design, marketing, social media. Locally, work involves tending to my property, ceremony, and general assistance. This is a wonderful opportunity if you’ve been wanting to work with me one-on-one, interested in learning about ceremony, or just want to be part of expanding my sacred service in the world! If you are interested in a work trade opportunity, please let me know how you’re able to help and I’ll connect with you for further info and details. Thank you so much!


Thank you for being here. Thank you for your love and support, and for taking a moment to read my words during this most exciting and activating time of transformation on our beautiful planet. Yes, it's intense. Yes, it's uncharted territory. Yes, so much is coming up individually and collectively. But remember, it's truly a gift to be here at this time.

Blessings to a most harmonious time of change in your life. May you awaken to the truth of your heart shine your radiant light upon everyone and everything.

May every word of this letter bless you with love, peace, and joy.

And so it is. Blessed Be. Jai Ma.

Breathing in love, exhaling in gratitude,


Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
~May all beings in the world be happy and free~