The Divine Feminine Energy in YOU

Dear One,

We all have Divine Feminine energy within us. This is beyond gender- this is about the divine energetics that connect each of us to the source creation energy of the Divine. Every human has the ability to access the Divine Feminine power within, and doing so serves to restore the true power of the Divine Feminine on the planet today. The more we are working to re-awaken this sacred energy within us, the more the Divine Feminine rises up with a divine force in this time of great change.

Your Womb Chakra is the direct access point to your Divine Feminine energy, and enables you to work with this sacred power for the greater good of all.

Through an ancient system of practices, you are able to unlock the greatest power within you. Harnessing the true, sacred power of the Divine Feminine within you enables you to call upon powerful healing energy for yourself, for others, and for the world. It strengthens your soul energy. It becomes a direct connection with the cosmic womb of all creation: both the place of oneness before manifestation and the place where are things come from.

The whole of creation is within the Womb Chakra.

The Womb Chakra practices also serve to strengthen your ability to access creative energy. After all, the womb is creation energy, and the empowered Womb Chakra directly connects you to the creative life-force of the Divine Feminine.

If you feel stagnation in your life, stuck in your work, or lack of clarity about what you are here to do, the Womb Chakra system can help you access your unique gifts and embody your soul’s truth.

When karmic patterns, blocks, and negative energies are cleared from the Womb Chakra, the full creative force of the Divine Feminine becomes available to you. When the full power of your Womb Chakra is unlocked, higher levels of your soul’s work become accessible.

In my transformative journey with the Womb Chakra process, I have felt the rising up of my power within. I have felt my inner strength expanding and an opening into bolder, truer expressions of myself and my work in the world. My voice has become more powerful, more courageous, and the knowing of my path and my purpose crystal clear.

We all have Divine Feminine energy within us, and we all have access to the creation power of the Womb Chakra. This is beyond a physical womb- this is about connecting with the divine creation energy which created All That Is.

Each of us has the birthright to access our greatest divine power within. We all have the ability to awaken to our true soul’s work and give our greatest gifts to the world. And through these ancient teachings we are given the sacred tools of awakening this power to bring great blessings to our lives.

Accessing the power of the Divine Feminine is just one of the many, incredible benefits of the Womb Chakra practices. If your heart is feeling a pull to know more, click below to learn more about my upcoming Womb Chakra immersion starting Sunday, November 15th, where in sacred community we will all strengthen our ability to embody Divine Feminine energy and send these blessings into the world.

If there's anyone you know who’d like to strengthen their connection to the Divine Feminine, please share this invitation with them.

* If you are drawn to this journey and have questions, please feel free to connect with me. I’m happy to help you determine if this immersion is aligned for you! Sliding scale payments are available to those in need.

May these sacred teachings awaken the greatest light within you during the darkest time of the year.