
Together, we find ourselves in a brand-new world. With each new day, another day of unknown reality awaits us as we anxiously wait for endings to the uncertainty, the suffering, the fear.

We are being asked to settle deeper into our homes, into seclusion, into ourselves. Restrictions are becoming tighter. We are being asked to become comfortable with discomfort. We are being asked to let go of what was before, and accept that the changes we are experiencing now permanently impacts life moving forward.

We are being asked to trust that these changes are guiding our way to a new world of higher consciousness and harmonious relationship with ourselves and the planet.


Together, we find ourselves in a grieving world. No matter what our individual circumstances may be, we are all moving through the collective shock of a world that suddenly operates differently. The shakeup is felt in our foundations of daily life, daily adjustments to new information and changes continuously require us to adapt and let go of life as we knew it. It can be an overwhelming experience to process.

The sudden shakeups we’ve been experiencing are creating permanent changes to our collective reality. There is no going back to life as it was before. This is a hard pill to swallow for most of us, and day by day we must adjust to a new way of being. The unsustainable old paradigm structures have desperately needed to change, and the collapse is happening now. While we ultimately all want to live in a world of harmony and peace, and we are already discovering the great opportunities for positive changes being made possible through this crisis, we still must acknowledge the process of letting go, and make space for integrating this great change.

We are in massive process of collective grief, and it is a greater reflection of the plight we are working with- a disease which targets the lungs- the place in the body where grief is held.

Grief is a multi-stage process that may take you through denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. We are all in different places and expressions of it as we experience this time of change through our unique lens. We are asked to honor where we are emotionally and where others are without judgment. We are asked to be gentle with ourselves and one another through this journey of the great unknown.

We are asked to grieve on behalf of our planet who has suffered from our growing disconnect to our Mother Earth. A disease that brings our attention to where grief is stored in our bodies demands we feel the grief of the Earth.

Let go of the way life once was, and give yourself the permission to grieve.

Grieve for a world that has suddenly changed. Grieve for the change in your daily life. Grieve for the loss of structure and stability. Grieve for the ones who have fallen ill and who have left their bodies. Grieve for the Earth.

Your grief helps you find strength in your vulnerability.
Your grief opens the door to hidden truths within yourself.
Your grief is a gateway for loving yourself more than ever before.

Embrace your truth by honoring whatever arises for you during this time.

And always remember to breathe.


The Full Moon in Libra occurs today, April 7th at 7:34pm Pacific. Libra is an air sign that brings our focus to how we relate to one another, how we bring balance, harmony and peace to our relationships and to ourselves. Full Moons illuminate what’s been hiding in the dark, ready to be seen in the light. It is a time of acknowledging what no longer serves you and invites you to release. It is a time of giving gratitude for the value of your experiences, for the gifts received in your journey.

Today’s Full Moon is a powerful opportunity to let go of what’s been out of balance in your life and relationships. Take some time today or the next day or so to really reflect on our global state and what’s changed in your life, what’s changed in your relationships, what’s changed within yourself.

What is coming up for you in this time of global crisis? Whatever it may be is your work, your focus. Let yourself feel the depths of it all, let yourself grieve and release emotionally. (This is a patient journey of unearthing the shadows within ourselves, and it takes time. Healing is not a linear process.)


On this Full Moon, ask yourself: 

What is being illuminated in my relationships?
Where can I bring more harmony, balance, and peace in my life?
What am I being asked to let go of at this time?

Write out what you’re letting go, and safely set the paper to a flame and place in a firesafe bowl, offering it to the fire with your gratitude for all you’ve learned from your experiences. When you’re complete, take a deep breath. Be grateful for your breath and the life it gives you. Send that loving breath out into the world. And smile.

This Full Moon is a powerful opportunity to come into gratitude for all of the challenges and what you’re learning from them. It’s a time to be grateful for learning new ways of relating to yourself, your loved ones, your community, your planet. It’s a time to be grateful for the path ahead, grateful for the unexpected changes and the opportunity to birth a new world of peace, harmony, and love.

Full Moons are a culminating energy, and I feel the rising of collective energy as the moon draws fuller. As I write, I feel a surge of collective anxiety and grief moving through my body. Right now there is a downpour in the desert, a mourning of the sky that purifies and cleanses through its release.

This is what is asked of us during this Libra Full Moon. Healing comes through letting go, through release. We find greater strength in allowing our feelings to be vulnerably felt. We come into balance, harmony and peace within ourselves by honoring all aspects of who we are.

There is a greater purpose to this global crisis, and we have a long transformative journey ahead of us. While we may be able to intellectually understand that, we are still feeling the complex feelings that ask to be honored and expressed. Remember, we are all going through it together. We are finding our way one step at a time, supported by the cosmos, supported by one another, and supported by the love within ourselves.

I am so grateful and honored to be on this incredible journey with each and every one of you. I am here for you. Please reach out and let me know how you are doing. I have a new video and meditation that will be available this coming week to help support you during this time of epic change. 

May this Full Moon bless you with an expansion of gratitude in your heart and peace in your soul.

I love you,