An Invitation for Initiation Into Your Greatest Power


As we approach Venus Retrograde, I’m increasingly excited for the official activation of my new offering Descent Into Truth: A 40-Day Journey of Transformation Guided By Venus, my first in-depth group immersion that begins Wednesday, May 13th. What feels to be my most authentic offering yet- an offering cultivated from the truth of my own multi-faceted processes of surrender and transformation- is an invitation to join me on a journey descending into the depths of the heart.

Venus’ Retrograde only happens every 18 months, opening up a powerful portal of transformation made possible by drawing inward, descending into the depths of your heart, and discovering the hidden treasures in the darkness. Re-emerging from the journey, we rise up radiantly empowered with the truth discovered within.

Over the course of 40+ days (the duration of Venus’ retrograde cycle), remotely we will meet weekly held in a sacred ceremonial container for support, connection, learning, and guidance.

To fully anchor into the energy made available to us during this powerful cosmic cycle, we each commit to a chosen daily practice for 40+ days, the length of time required to implement change on a cellular level. It’s no coincidence this is the length of time of Venus’ Retrograde! This is all part of a great divine design to activate change for our greater good.

There are many ways of navigating transformative daily practice: Cleansing or fasting, yoga, cold showers/baths, early morning rising, meditation, and plant-based eating are several approaches to work with for rising up to the challenge of daily practice that serves to awaken strengthen, clarity, and empowerment within you. (See the full details for how this journey works here.)

We are in a time of rich terrain that supports our healing journeys like never before. We are being asked to look at our reality and discern what is no longer serving, and what we are being asked to embody moving forward. The daily practice of self-care is non-negotiable in these changing times. We are being asked to strengthen our immunity, our spiritual connection, our love for ourselves. We are being asked to strengthen our ability to look within for guidance, for clarity, for truth. We are being asked to remember our sovereignty and that the power of Love is the greatest force in the universe. We are being asked to embody Love fully - to love every aspect of who we are and radiate that Love into the world.

Descent Into Truth serves this intention, and provides the sacred structure to support a deep dive into your heart to rise up into your greatest truth. I hope you’ll join me! Registration closes May 8th.

Descent Into Truth is an offering birthed from my heart, a true expression of my authentic path and a journey I was prepared to do privately on my own with the coming Venus Retrograde. My guidance strongly showed me the great opportunity available to many people with this transit, and that it was my service to create the container to help others make the most of this extraordinary, important cosmic cycle to support our individual transformation that is greatly needed on the planet now.

Please share this invitation with anyone who may resonate with it. After reading through the full info on my website, please reach out with any questions that arise. 

I hope you will join me in exploring this rich journey where we come together to Descend into Truth, so that we may powerfully Ascend with Divine Light. I can't wait. :)

I love you,