How I Healed My Relationship With My Mother

Dear One,

For most of my life, my most challenged relationship has been with my mother. Perhaps you can relate, as so often the mother-child relationship can be the most complex relationship in our lives to navigate.

Indeed, on a soul-level, it is the most charged connection we have in our lives. It can demand our greatest work when the relationship is discordant in any way. It can prove to be the greatest challenge on the healing path. And it makes sense when you think about the potent fact that you and your mother were once one. You were once inside her womb; your entire developing body enveloped within her body. And it was from her womb that you were birthed into the world.

And both despite and because of this deeply intimate soul connection we share with our mothers, it is quite common for there to be so much work to do around this relationship. It can be a highly sensitive topic for those of us who’ve had a troubled or traumatizing relationship (or non-relationship) with our mothers in any kind of way.

Even for those of us that have been blessed with a present, attentive mother growing up are not spared the deeply challenging and complex lessons that demand to be learned through this most powerful soul relationship.

In my life, my mother has always been there for me.* She has always been a loving presence for me, a true blessing. And yet, for most of my life, simply hearing her speak or being physically near her would be wildly triggering for me. We had a very problematic relationship when I was a teenager, and well into adulthood I would become a different person with my mother than with anyone else in my life.

As I progressed on my spiritual path, the significance of my triggered relationship with my mother was not lost on me, and over the course of many years, I finally started moving away from trying to ‘heal her or fix her.’ I became aware that this triggering was not about something outside of me, but rather something for me to bring healing to within myself.

It was never about her needing to change - as much as I tried to make it about the healing that I believed she needed. It was always about my own healing work.

A few years back, I was introduced to very powerful, sacred healing tools that were intended to bring healing to the mother-child relationship. I committed to the practices and stayed with them daily, and eventually a shift occurred within me. And the shift within me brought healing to our relationship. The healing that I experienced changed how I related to my mother. I felt a softening in my heart towards her. I felt a sense of empathy and compassion towards her instead of frustration or anger. I began feeling peace and amusement at things that once triggered me. I began to find myself smiling at things that once maddened me about her.

I had experienced soul-level healing with my mother.

And since the shift happened, I can truthfully say that I have not once been triggered by my mother again. It’s been nearly three years now of being trigger-free and being at peace in my relationship with my mother.

Bringing healing to the relationship we have with our mothers is some of the most important work we are here to do. To give greater perspective to the importance of healing the mother-child relationship at this time is to relate our broken relationships with our mothers to our collectively broken relationship with our Mother Earth. The work we do to heal our relationship with our mothers directly impacts our relationship to the world. Healing our relationship with our mothers brings healing to Mother Earth.

Healing the mother-child relationship is an essential aspect to healing the Womb Chakra, and one of the greatest benefits of these sacred teachings. 

No matter where you are in your relationship with your mother, if there’s a need for healing in any kind of way with her, working with the Womb Chakra system of practices might be what is needed to come into peace on a soul-level.

Learn more about the power of the Womb Chakra practices and the many other benefits of this work by joining me in my upcoming 9-week immersion where we will dive into the expansive mystery of the Womb Chakra. If there's anyone you know who needs healing with their mother, please share this invitation with them. 

I hope you will join me in anchoring Divine Love in your life and the world through this powerful work beginning Sunday, November 15th.

Thank you to my beautiful mother for the life you have given me.

I love you,

* My dear mother is on my mailing list, reads all of my newsletters, and has given me full permission to write about her today. :)

May these sacred teachings awaken the greatest light within you during the darkest time of the year.