The Key To Healing Heartbreak

Dear One,

We are in the midst of a powerful time when so much is being kicked up to the surface in our lives so that we may bring healing to that which we are ready to be free of. We see it so clearly: anything and everything is being activated in these wild times, and it’s all for the purpose of clearing and completing life-long karmic cycles, enabling us to take great leaps ahead in our soul’s work and truly move forward transformed.

So much is compounding individually and collectively this year because this is the time to do the big work. It is a divinely-timed opportunity for making great advancements in our lives and on the planet. Things that we’ve been working to bring healing to for many years are now up for completion- there is great cosmic support to bring healing and release to lifelong blocks, limiting beliefs, and old paradigm conditioning.

One of the places so many karmic opportunities arise for healing is within relationships. Perhaps you are noticing core issues rise up in your relationship lately. Perhaps old unresolved energy from past relationships is making its way into your thoughts or your dreams. Perhaps you are witnessing the relationships of others go through many tests and trials these days. I’m certainly feeling it and seeing it.

Unresolved pain from previous intimate (physical and/or heart-based) connections stays with us and impacts the experiences we have with others in present-time. Karmic cycles inevitably repeat themselves with different people until the core woundings are tended to and healed.

Any negativity or discordant energy experienced with someone in the past- no matter how long ago it was or the level of the negativity- will express itself in some unhealthy way until the energy is fully cleared and the wound is healed with love.

Heartbreak is a wounding that impacts us on a soul-level. It’s why it’s such a painful experience. When we open our hearts to another, we make ourselves vulnerable on a soul-level. No matter the circumstances, the experience of heartbreak cuts deeply and wounds the soul.

When we come together with another intimately there is an exchange of soul energy. Clearing past energies is incredibly important for maintaining a clear, strong energetic state and to ensure energy from others isn’t coming into present relationships and so that old karmic cycles aren’t continuously playing out again and again.

The Womb Chakra is the key to clearing past relationship energy, traumas relating to sexual energy, and heartbreak.

Over my lifetime, I have been given many strong doses of heartbreak that often felt debilitating. I am a deeply sensitive being, and my heart loves to love, which is a great set up for feeling great depths of pain. When I was introduced to the Womb Chakra practices, I had already done many years of clearing work around old heartbreak and relationships, so I was far along in my work around it all. But I saw how the practices were impacting my present time energies and clearing away people who weren’t aligned for me. I found that any lingering, residual energies from the past were cleared. I felt a greater sense of peace within, and the ability to look at my experiences from a higher perspective with wisdom and understanding.

I feel empowered to know these old energies are fully cleared from me and that my energetic space is strong and sovereign. I feel empowered to know experiences that wound my heart and soul are able to be healed through the purification practices for the Womb Chakra. I feel empowered to have the sacred tools to work with any time they may be needed moving forward.

Once the Womb Chakra is purified and healed, the foundation is then set for establishing a strong, sacred relationship with your partner, or for readying yourself for a soulmate if that is what your heart is seeking.

Clearing heartbreak and past relationships is just one of the many transformative benefits of an empowered Womb Chakra. If your heart is feeling a pull to know more, click below to learn more about my upcoming 9-week Womb Chakra immersion starting Sunday, November 15th, where in sacred community we will all strengthen our ability to love ourselves fully and be that source of divine love in the world.

If there's anyone you know in need of healing heartbreak, please share this invitation with them. 

* If you are drawn to this journey and have questions, please feel free to connect with me. I’m happy to help you determine if this immersion is aligned for you! Sliding scale payments are available to those in need. 

 May these sacred teachings awaken the greatest light within you during the darkest time of the year.