My Secret Transformational Morning Ritual


I’m so happy to be hearing of much resonance with Descent Into Truth: A 40-Day Journey of Transformation Guided By Venus. I’m also hearing some of you are inspired to join, yet intimidated by committing to 40 days. If the thought of committing to a 40-day practice seems daunting to you, know that it can be approached in an easy way that takes no extra time out of your days. It can be as simple as turning the shower knob from hot to cold. :) A simple choice like this for 40 days can greatly shift your life in powerful ways.

The most simple yet transformative daily practice that has changed my life profoundly is something most people don’t know about me. My secret sacred practice is a daily cold bath- a potent ritual I love above the rest and yet also fear just before it’s time to make the plunge.

Cold water immersion has been a lifelong fear. For most of my life, I’d heard of the benefits of ending a hot shower with cold water. Yet I was fearful of the utter discomfort cold water would pour over me, no matter the benefits of it, and avoided it.

Last summer, I started dreaming of cold plunges. My energy was heat-fatigued, and I was calling in radical life change. I looked to my morning practice to see where change could take place to reflect the internal changes I was feeling. An outdoor bathtub gave me the perfect set up for beginning this new morning practice.

Upon the first pre-sunrise cold plunge, I felt the radical power of it. Fully immersing for less than a minute upon waking over the course of a few weeks activated my energy for the rest of the day. I became a devotee of the cold plunge ritual, and began lengthening my time of immersion. Over time, I graduated from immersing for 3 minutes, to 5 minutes, and up to more than 15 minutes as it stands now.

I affectionally call my outdoor cold water bath my “Tub of Transformation.”

It’s a practice I’ve maintained every morning regardless of season and weather since I first began almost a year ago. During this past winter, many times I would break through a top layer of ice to get into the water. In the most unbearable of circumstances, I learned to generate my internal heat, and to come into a state of calm and peace awakened fully to the present moment.

Every morning, there is a twinge of dread as I approach the cold bath. I willingly embrace fear and immerse myself in the shock of discomfort, and without fail I always come into a state of peace and calm as I relax into the medicine of cold water supported by my breath. I emerge from the water renewed, exhilarated, ready for anything and everything.

This practice has laid the foundation for next-level shadow work for me, the shock of freezing water kicking up to the surface so much from within. I consciously engage shadow work with every morning cold soak. It is a continuous death/rebirth cycle that I invite in daily. Cold baths have been formative for integrating my shadow and rising up into my power.

Cold water immersion offers a wealth of health benefits -including strengthened immunity- and more notable than anything else, through consistent practice I have experienced a surge in my inner strength, trust, and courage. I have witnessed significant change in my mental patterns and my ability to embrace fear. A powerful clearing of my energy occurs with every cold plunge.

Sitting peacefully fully immersed in freezing water with warmth in my core for over 15 minutes, I feel invincible.

This practice alone has prepared me for navigating the discomfort and challenges of this time of global change, a solid knowing anchored within me that no matter what the external circumstances may be, I will always know how to find my peace and strength from within.

Perhaps cold water immersion might set the stage for your own transformation. Or, perhaps there’s another path all together that best serves your expansion.

40 days of cold showers/baths is just one of several approaches I offer for inviting change in your life. Join me in my upcoming group journey Descent Into Truth starting May 13th to dive into the depths of your shadows through committed daily practice in a supported container, and re-emerge with newfound strength, clarity, and power. I hope you’ll join me! We meet for 7 Wednesdays 11am-12:30pm Pacific on Zoom (or you can watch later). Registration closes May 8th.

Descent Into Truth is an offering birthed from my heart, a true expression of my authentic path and a journey I was prepared to do privately on my own with the coming Venus Retrograde. My guidance strongly showed me the great opportunity available to many people with this transit, and that it was my service to create the container to help others make the most of this extraordinary, important cosmic cycle to support our individual transformation that is greatly needed on the planet now.

Please share this invitation with anyone who may resonate with it. After reading through the full info on my website, please reach out with any questions that arise. 

I hope you will join me in exploring this rich journey where we come together to Descend into Truth, so that we may powerfully Ascend with Divine Light. I can't wait. :)

I love you,